【北京娱乐通游戏频道讯】2006年8月14日 经过许多天的测试,国外媒体上周末公布了Relic公司《英雄连(Company of Heroes)》Beta测试版出现的全部单位资料。参考下面的链接,您可以获得包括单位行驶速度、杀伤力、射击精度、火力作用距离、资源消耗量、武器升级资料等详细资料。
·About Beijing Entertainment All Technology
Beijing Entertainment All Technology Co.,Ltd (as Beijing GameBridge) is one of the main PC game distributors in China. Since the beginning of our company,we set our target as "To be the media of Chinese and foreign data entertainment culture,to offer the best PC games for the players". With the support of Chinese government and our employees, Beijing GameBridge has become the long-term cooperator of Sega,THQ,EIDOS,JOWOOD,KOEI,Falcom,Capcom and other famous international enterprises.
As our company has released "The Legend of Heroes 6:Sora no Kiseki", "SAKURA War4", "Tomb Raider:Legend" and other famous titles, we also introduced "Sword&Blade","GENSOSANGGOKUSHI" and other domestic best titles to international market. We hope to offer some contribution for the culture intercommunion of China and foreign countries and the development of domestic digital entertainment industry by our effort in the territories of pc game,mobile add-value business and animation production.More information about Beijing GameBridge and its products may be found at Beijing GameBridges China Website at http://www.gamebridge.com.cn