奖杯图标 | 奖杯说明 |
#1Platinum Trophy(白金奖杯) Win all other trophies to take your place as the world's greatest sniper 赢得全部其它奖杯来成为世界最强狙击手 |
#2The end of the beginning(始之终焉) Complete Mission 1 完成任务一 |
#3We shall fight on the beaches(我们要战斗在海滩) Complete Mission 2 完成任务二 |
#4No compromise is possible(决不妥协) Complete Mission 3 完成任务三 |
#5Set Europe ablaze!(引燃欧洲) Complete Mission 4 完成任务四 |
#6We shall not fail or falter(我们不会失败或动摇) Complete Mission 5 完成任务五 |
#7Never, never, never give up(永不言弃) Complete Mission 6 完成任务六 |
#8Plans are nothing; planning is everything(计划不重要;制定计划才重要) Complete Mission 7 完成任务七 |
#9Success is not final(胜利并不是结局) Complete Mission 8 完成任务八 |
#10Compounding Your Success(大获全胜) Complete Overwatch 1 完成看守任务一 |
#11Train, Set and Match(训练、布置、开赛) Complete Overwatch 2 完成看守任务二。 |
#12A Most Singular Expert(最杰出的专家) Master a single weapon 完全掌握一种武器 |
#13The Pistol Pro(手枪专家) 100 Kills with a Pistol 用手枪击杀100人 |
#14The Secondary Specialist(副武器专家) 250 Kills with a Secondary Weapon 用副武器击杀250人 |
#15Rockin' the Rifle(摇滚你的步枪) 500 Kills with a Rifle 用步枪击杀500人 |
#16I See You!(看到你了!) Fully Target Focus 100 times 完全聚焦目标100次 |
#17Everything by Halves(所有的一半) Complete 50% of all Secondary Objectives in the Main Campaign 完成战役中50%的次要目标 |
#18Following Orders(执行命令) Complete all Secondary Objectives in the Main Campaign 完成战役中全部的次要目标 |
#19Keeping your Distance(保持距离) Total kill distance of 100 Kilometres 击杀距离累计达到100公里 |
#20Ambush King(伏击之王) Kill 100 enemies with traps 用陷阱杀敌100人 |
#21Are You Insane?(你疯了吗?) Complete the entire main campaign on Authentic difficulty 在真实难度下完成整场战役 |
#22Deadshot Demon(射杀之魔) Complete the entire main campaign on Sniper Elite difficulty 在狙击精英难度下完成整场战役 |
#23The Masterful Marksman(娴熟的神枪手) Complete the entire main campaign on Marksman difficulty 在神枪手难度下完成整场战役 |
#24Mission Possible(可能完成的任务) Complete the entire main campaign on Cadet difficulty 在学员难度下完成整场战役 |
#25The Nutcracker - Sweet!(胡桃夹子有点甜) Incapacitate an enemy, then shoot them in the testicles 瘫痪一名敌人,然后射击其睾丸。 |
#26The Organ Grinder(器官研磨器) Get at least one killshot on every organ 每种器官都至少射中过一次。 |
#27Dirty Tactics(肮脏战术) Kill an enemy via a booby trap 用诡雷杀敌一人 |
#28Demolition Fan(爆破狂) Satchel Charge 25 manned vehicles/pillboxes/pantherturms 用炸药包炸毁25个载人车辆/掩体/豹式坦克 |
#29Fire and Brimstone(火与硫磺) Kill 5 enemies with a single artillery strike 使用一次炮火支援来完成五杀 |
#30Sniper Interrupted(反狙击) Kill 5 Snipers before they see you 干掉5个还没发现你的狙击手 |
#31The Path of Most Resistance(多数抵抗者的经历) Destroy the plane using a Bolt-Action Rifle 用栓动步枪击落敌机 |
#32Mother knows best(姜还是老的辣) Complete all Mother Hen secondary missions in the main game 在主游戏中完成Hen妈的全部次要任务 |
#33Weaver's Warrior(织布战士) Complete all OSS Secondary Objectives in the main campaign 在主战役中完成OSS的全部次要目标 |
#34Challenge Accepted(接受挑战) Complete all challenges in a single mission. 完成单个任务的全部挑战 |
#35Variety is the Spice of Death(丰富多彩才是死之乐趣) Get a kill with every weapon 用每种武器击杀一人 |
#36Silent But Deadly(无声而致命) Kill 100 enemies with suppressed ammo 用消声弹药杀敌100人 |
#37Still Ain't Got Time to Bleed(没时间流血) Complete a single player mission without using a Medikit or Bandage 未使用医疗包或绷带的情况下完成一个单人游戏任务 |
#38On Yer Head, Son(儿子,看你头上) Killenemies with 3 different environmental drop kills 用环境坠物杀敌三次 |
#39My Rifle is My Best Friend(步枪是我的挚友) Complete a main campaign mission with rifle kills only 只使用步枪杀敌完成一个主战役任务 |
#40The Collector(大收藏家) Collect all Last Letters, Letters From Home, and Letters To Home in the main game 在主游戏中收集所有“遗言信”、“家人来信”和“给家里的信”。 |
#41Master-At-Arms(武器大师) Fully master a rifle, secondary weapon and pistol 完全掌握一支步枪、一支副武器和一把手枪 |
#42A Bird in the Hand...(一鸟在手…) Shoot all Stone eagles 射中所有老鹰石雕 |
#43Greatest Hits(最成功的狙杀) Find all sniper reports 找到所有狙击手报告 |
#44Dogface(陆军小兵) Reach character rank 5 角色等级达到5 |
#45Jarhead(陆战队员) Reach character rank 25 角色等级达到25 |
#46Veteran(久经沙场) Reach character rank 50 角色等级达到50 |
#47Gotta Cap 'em All(全逮着了) Kill one of each infantry type 击杀每一种敌军步兵 |
#48Survival of the Fittest(适者生存) Complete all waves in a survival session 在生存模式中撑过每一波攻击。 |
#49Competitive Nature(本性好胜) Complete at least one match in each mode 每种模式都玩过至少一场 |
#50Channel Changer(调台员) Take control of the enemy held radio and capture it with just seconds remaining 电台模式中,在最后几秒内控制敌军占领的电台。 |
#51The Best of the Best of the Best(强中之强中之强) Complete the entire main campaign on Authentic difficulty with no manual saves 在真实难度下完成整场战役并且从未手动存档 |
第1个DLC-Target Fuhrer
奖杯图标 | 奖杯说明 |
#52Albert Hall(阿尔伯特音乐厅) Kill Hitler with a testicle shot 爆蛋击杀希特勒 |
#53Hot Pot(火锅) Kill Hitler with the casserole 用炖锅杀死希特勒 |
#54Minesweeper(扫雷艇) Blow up Hitler on VIP boat with a sea mine 用水雷炸掉希特勒所乘的VIP小艇 |
#55STRIKE!! (攻击!!) Kill Hitler with a torpedo rack 用鱼雷架杀死希特勒 |
#56The Eagle Has Landed(雄鹰已着陆) Crush Hitler with the Eagle at the ceremony 用会场的雄鹰标志砸死希特勒 |
#57Total War(全面战争) Complete all challenges 完成全部挑战 |
#58Down Periscope(潜望镜下) Kill Hitler with the submarine 用潜艇杀死希特勒 |
#590 Days Without Incident(多事之秋) Kill Hitler with any explosive item/trap 用任何爆炸物/陷阱杀死希特勒 |
#60Silent but Violent(无声而猛烈) Kill Hitler and exfiltrate without being detected 杀死希特勒并潜出而不被发现 |
#61Base Desires(基本需求) Complete all Optional Objectives and destroy the base 完成全部可选目标并摧毁基地 |
#62Final Reckoning(最终估算) Complete the Mission 完成任务 |
#63Deja View to a Kill(似曾相识) Kill Hitler 杀死希特勒 |
奖杯图标 | 奖杯说明 |
#64Shore Leave(上岸许可) Inception - Complete the mission 完成任务 |
#65All Inclusive(包罗万象) Inception - Complete all the challenges 完成关卡中所有的挑战任务 |
#66Karl Shot First(卡尔优先射击) Inception - Get to the destroyer and launch the torpedo without being spotted 在没有被发现的情况下潜入驱逐舰并发射鱼雷 |
#67Save Keys to Open Doors(留着钥匙去开门) Inception - Unlock the train door using the keys found on the officers 用指挥官们身上的钥匙去开火车门 |
#68Knife to a Gun Fight(刀枪战) Inception - Melee takedown all the snipers 近战杀死所有的狙击手 |
#69Heads Up(小心) Inception - Destroy the tank with a crane drop 用悬挂的重物砸毁坦克 |
#70King of the World(世界之王) Inception - Dump Major Volker Grün's body into the water from the end of a boat 将沃尔克少校的尸体从船头扔下 |
第3个DLC-Deathstorm 2
奖杯图标 | 奖杯说明 |
#71Cipher Elite Infiltration - Complete the Mission 完成任务 |
#72Full Marks 2 Tips Infiltration - Complete all the Challenges 完成关卡中所有的挑战任务 |
#73Faust of Fury Infiltration - Kill the Valkyrie Squad reinforcements using only the Neunfaust 只使用Neunfaust歼灭瓦尔基里增援小队 |
#74Debriefed Infiltration - Multi-Kill the Officers during the tactical briefing in the auditorium 在礼堂中长官做战术简报的时候进行多重击杀 |
#75Fish in a Barrel Infiltration - Kill all enemies on the island with explosives 用炸药杀死岛上的所有敌人 |
#76Read This! 1 Tips Infiltration - Eye shot the book burning Officer 当军官在火堆旁边时射穿他的眼睛 |
#77Untouchable Infiltration - Complete the mission without being shot by a Sniper 在敌方狙击手不开枪之前完成任务 |
第4个DLC-Deathstorm 3
奖杯图标 | 奖杯说明 |
#78Storm Chaser Obliteration - Complete the Mission 完成任务 |
#79Atomic 2 Tips Obliteration - Complete all the Challenges 完成全部挑战 |
#80Ghost Town Obliteration - Kill everyone 杀死所有人 |
#81I Love Science Obliteration - Extract Wernicke, Hänel, and Kehrer in one playthrough 在一次流程中拐走Wernicke, Hänel, 和Kehrer |
#82Saving Private Reiner Obliteration - Don't kill any members of the Reiner family 不杀Reiner家族的任何成员 |
#83Fingers off Triggers Obliteration - From the bunker reach the extraction point without firing a shot 从碉堡到撤离点之间不射击任何一枚子弹 |
#84Overkill 1 Tips Obliteration - Kill all enemy snipers with explosives 用炸药杀死所有敌人的狙击手 |
第5个DLC-Authentic Plus
奖杯图标 | 奖杯说明 |
#85You know you're REALLY Insane, right? Complete the entire main campaign on Authentic Plus difficulty 在真实难度+下完成整场战役 |
#86Better than the Best 2 Tips Complete the entire campaign on Authentic Plus difficulty with no manual saves 在真实难度+下完成整场战役并且从未手动存档 |