奖杯图标 | 奖杯说明 |
#1Andromeda's Finest(仙女座最佳) Collect all trophies. 获得所有奖杯 |
#2Fireworks(焰火) Perform 100 power combos. 执行100次强力连击 |
#3Terminator(终结者) Kill 2000 enemies. 击杀2000名敌人 |
#4Death from Above(死亡天降) Kill 100 enemies while hovering. (Single-Player) 在空中悬停时杀死100名敌人(单人游戏) |
#5Close Combat Specialist(近战专家) Kill 100 enemies with melee attacks. 使用近身攻击杀死100名敌人 |
#6With Our Powers Combined(集结吾辈之力) Detonate 10 targets that were primed by a teammate. (Single-Player) 引爆10次队友安装的炸药(单人游戏) |
#7Pinpoint Shot(精确射击) Hit 250 enemy weak points while using a scope. (Single-Player) 当使用侦查时击中弱点250次 |
#8Medic!(药药药!) Perform 25 revivals on teammates. 复苏队员25次 |
#9Mastermind(战术大师) Using constructs, kill 100 enemies. 使用地形构造杀死100名敌人 |
#10Icebreaker(破冰者) Shatter a frozen enemy with a jump melee attack. (Single-Player) 以跳跃近身攻击击碎一个冻住的敌人 |
#11Fastball(快球) Hit an enemy with a thrown enemy 25 times. (Single-Player) 投掷敌人击中另一个敌人25次(单人游戏) |
#12Rough Landing(硬着陆) Detonate a trip mine with a thrown enemy. (Single-Player) 投掷一个敌人引爆地雷(单人游戏) |
#13Friendly Fire(友军的炮火) Direct your Remnant VI to attack each type of Remnant enemy. (Single-Player) 指挥你的remnant vi攻击每种remnant敌人(单人游戏) |
#14Trapshooter(陷阱射手) Hit 25 floating enemies with Concussive Shot, Lance, or Incinerate. (Single-Player) 以震荡射击、长枪或者焚烧击中25名漂浮的敌人 |
#15Sucker Punch(混账之拳) Use a melee attack to hit 25 floating enemies. (Single-Player) 使用近战攻击击中25名漂浮的敌人(单人游戏) |
#16Pyrotechnics Expert(火焰使者) Light three enemies on fire with one continuous Flamethrower attack. (Single-Player) 一次持续的火焰投掷者攻击引燃三名敌人(单人游戏) |
#17Long-Distance Jump(长距离跳跃) Travel at least 30m in a single jump. (Single-Player) 一次跳跃至少前进30m(单人游戏) |
#18Matchmaker(媒妁) Complete romances with three different characters across all playthroughs. 不限轮次完成三名不同角色的浪漫故事 |
#19Vanguard Surprise(先锋闪击) While cloaked, hit an enemy with a Charge attack. (Single-Player) 隐密下以蓄力攻击击中敌人(单人游戏) |
#20Hang Time(滞空期) Keep the Nomad airborne for 35 seconds. 控制nomad airborne 35秒 |
#21Unwavering(坚定不移) Complete an "Insanity" single-player game, or 5 "Gold" multiplayer extractions from any firebase. 完成一次疯狂的单人游戏或者从任意军事火基地完成五次黄金级多人游戏 |
#22Veteran(老兵) Successfully complete a combined 25 strike team missions or APEX multiplayer mode extractions. 完成一次混合二十五波突击小组任务或者多人模式APEX |
#23APEX(APEX) Complete the multiplayer mode tutorial mission. 完成多人模式教学任务 |
#24Explorer(探险者) Complete a combined five strike team missions or APEX extractions in multiplayer mode. 完成一次混合五波突击小组任务或者多人模式APEX |
#25Mission Accomplished(任务完成) Activate Meridian. 启动meridian |
#26Activation(启动) Activate the Remnant city. 启动remnant都市 |
#27Family Connections(家庭联系) Reboot the Pathfinder. 重启寻路者 |
#28Liberation(解放) Free the salarian ark. 解放salarian方舟 |
#29Foothold(据点) Establish an outpost. 建立一座前哨据点 |
#30Exaltation(洋洋得意) Destroy the exaltation facility or save the angaran prisoners. 摧毁exaltation设备或者救出angaran囚徒 |
#31First Steps(第一步) Meet the angara on Aya. 在Aya会见angara |
#32Alliance(联盟) Ally with an outlaw faction. 与不法之徒派系结盟 |
#33Pathfinder(寻路者) Become the new Pathfinder. 成为新的寻路者 |
#34Initiated(启蒙) Gain access to the Tempest. 进入Tempest |
#35World-Shaper(世界塑形者) Activate the first Remnant vault. 启动第一个remnant vault |
#36Buccaneer(海盗) Recover the krogan colony ship. 恢复Krogan殖民船 |
#37Building Bridges(建桥) Stop the Roekaar leader. 阻止Roekaar首领 |
#38United(集结) Unite the outposts against a common threat. 集结要塞对抗共同的威胁 |
#39Helping Hand(援助之手) Help Vetra's sister. 帮助vetra的妹妹 |
#40Signal Tracking(追踪信号) Find the source of the strange signal Peebee discovers. 找到奇怪信号的来源 |
#41Role Model(角色模型) Rescue the asari ark. 援救asari方舟 |
#42Full Roster(满员) In single-player mode, recruit all six squadmates. 一次单人模式中,招齐所有六名小队成员 |
#43First Contact(第一次接触) Land on an alien planet. 登陆一座外星星球 |
#44Peak Condition(巅峰条件) Reach Level 40 in single-player mode or Level 20 in multiplayer mode. 单人模式中达到40级或者多人模式中达到20级 |
#45Kitted Out(武装) Kill a foe with a Rank 5 weapon in a single-player game or equip a Rank 10 weapon in multiplayer. 在单人模式中以五阶武器杀死一个敌人或者多人模式装备一把十阶武器 |
#46High Performance(至高表演) Unlock Rank 6 for each single-player profile type, or obtain a Level 6 multiplayer bonus stat. 解锁6阶单人游戏角色类型或者获得六级多人奖励数据 |
#47Full Power(火力全开) Evolve one tech, one combat, and one biotic power to Rank 6. (Single-Player) 进化一项技术科技、一项战斗技能和一项生物能力至六阶(单人模式) |
#48Almost There(即将到达) Reach Level 25 in single player mode or Level 15 in multiplayer mode. 单人模式中到达25级或者多人模式中达到15级 |
#49Teamwork(团队作业) Create six strike teams or earn 25 assist medals in multiplayer mode. 创立6个突击小组或者在多人模式中获得25个支援奖牌 |
#50Top Talent(绝顶天赋) Promote a strike team to Level 20. 晋升一个突击小组至20级 |
#51Jack Of All Trades(万金油) Equip three different profile types. 装备三种不同的角色类型 |
#52All Clear(全破) Increase all discovered planets to 100% viability. 提升所有已探索星球至100活性率 |
#53Terraformer(改变地形) Increase a discovered planet to 100% viability. 提升一个已探索星球至100活性率 |
#54Craftsmanship(锻造术) Craft armor or a gun with 3 augments. 锻造拥有三个强化的护甲或枪械 |
#55Data Mining(数据矿) Scan 100 different objects. 扫描100件不同物品 |
#56Cryptographer(破译者) Complete 20 Remnant puzzles in a single playthrough. 一轮游戏完成20个remnant谜题 |