展开11. config配置文件
# Configuration file
# afkhandler
# Settings for controllingautobattler for AFK players
afkhandler {
# Sets the time (in seconds) before aplayer in battle is declared to be AFK and the autobattle code takes over forthem
I:"AFK Activation Time Length"=90
# Sets the time (in seconds) that theautobattle code allows for AFK player to move once autobattle is active, beforeselecting a move itself
I:"AFK Activation Turn Time"=15
# Have autobattle take over if player isAFK during a battle, activates after specified time period and gives specifiedtime for each turn after that
B:"AFK Handler Active"=false
# general
# General settings for theworld
general {
# Allow player to throw pokeballs fromhotbar, if false pokeballs can only be thrown in battles
B:"Allow Capturing Outside ofBattle"=true
# Allows players to make rare candies bycrafting (Serverside option)
B:"Allow Crafting of RareCandy"=true
# Determines if player vs player battlesgive pokemon experience, no EXP gain in PVP when false
B:"Allow PVP Experience"=true
# Allow players to plant apricorns/berriesin the ground
B:"Allow Planting"=true
# Allow players to ride pokemon. If falseno pokemon can be ridden. (Server side option)
B:"Allow Riding"=true
# Allow random generation of structuressuch as Pokecenters, Shrines, and other buildings if true
B:"Allow Structures toSpawn"=true
# Allow the anvil to replace finished itemswith starting item from player's inventory without manual placing
B:"Allow anvilautoreloading"=false
# Allow the player to nickname pokemon (nota server-wide setting, just a client setting)
B:"Allow pokemon nicknames"=true
# Allow creepers, skeletons, etc to spawnin the world - DANGER can kill you while battling
B:"Allow vanilla mobs"=false
# Set legendary shrines to one use (false)or multiple use (true)
B:"Bird Shrines arereusable"=false
# Allow Players to use Cloning Machines toclone Mew to Mewtwo
B:"Cloning Machines Enabled"=true
# Requires HM move Fly or HM move Surf on apokemon to be able to ride it
B:"Have HM To Ride"=false
# Sets how far pixelmon names and levelscan be seen from (client setting only)
I:"Nameplate Visible Range Modifier(1=default, 2=farther, 3=far)"=1
# Allows wild pokemon to drop items likefeathers, etc on death
B:"Pokemon Drops Enabled"=true
# Prints more detailed error messages tothe server.log file if enabled
B:"Print Errors"=false
# Removes regular minecraft music so onlyPixelmon music plays (Currently locked to true in code)
B:"Remove Minecraft Music"=true
# Increases Size of Pixelmon Models in Gameby 30%
B:"Scale Models Up"=true
# Sends Statistics To Pixelmon
B:"Send Statistics"=true
# Allow Legendary Bird Shrines to SpawnRandomly in World
B:"Spawn Bird Shrines"=true
# Battle camera rotates around player iftrue, and is stationary if false
B:"Spin Battle Camera"=true
# Sets Trainer Rarity, higher values spawntrainers more often, 0 spawns no trainers
I:"Trainer Rarity (percentage0-200)"=50
# Sets the mode of animation for Pixelmonmodels (false increases ram usage)
B:"Use Static Models"=true
# Use the low-res (256x256) pokemon andpokeball textures
B:"Use low-res Textures"=false
# Allows some wild pokemon to aggro onplayer and force battles, no forced battles when false
B:"Wild Pokemon initiate battles"=true
# Saves Pixelmon entities to file whenworld saves (greatly increases savefile size and save time if true
B:"Write Entities To WorldSave"=false
# ids
# Entity IDs for PixelmonEntities (DO NOT CHANGE, unless you know what you are doing)
ids {
I:"Camera ID"=202
I:"Pixelmon ID"=200
I:"Pokeball ID"=201
I:"Trainer ID"=199
# pokeloot
# Settings for controllingpokeloot chest spawns and behavior
pokeloot {
# Sets the frequency of chests spawning inworld (to disable completely use the '- Enabled' config settings)
# Minimal ~ 1 per 64 chunks, Normal ~ 1 per32 chunks, More ~ 1 per 18 chunks, Extreme ~ 1 per 10 chunks
I:"Chest Spawn Rate(Minimal=0,Normal=1,More=2,Extreme=3)"=1
# Sets the Mode of all randomly spawnedpokeloot chests
# FCFS = First Come First Serve, only oneplayer can loot chest, then chests vanishes
# PL1D = Player 1 Drop, chest gives onedrop per person, chest remains for others to use once each
# PUD = Player Unlimited Drops, chests canbe used infinitely by all players
# TIMED = Each player allowed to loot againafter specified time interval (individual timers), chest remains after looting
I:"Default Spawn Mode (FCFS=0, PL1D=1,PUD=2, TIMED=3)"=0
# Allow Hidden Grottos to spawn in theworld
B:"Hidden Grotto - Enabled"=true
# Allows invisible pokechests to spawnaround the world randomly
B:"Hidden PokeChest -Enabled"=true
# Allows normal visible pokechests to spawnaround the world randomly
B:"Normal PokeChest -Enabled"=true
# Sets Frequency that a player can reuse atimed loot chest (both placed in creative and naturally spawned, if set toTIMED
# Time Conversions: One Hour = 3600seconds, One Day = 86400 seconds, One Week = 604800 seconds
I:"Timed Loot (seconds)"=86400
# spawning
# Settings that control whatPixelmon spawn and how many spawn
spawning {
# Allow wild legendaries to spawn (besidesspecific event spawns)
B:"Allow Legendaries tospawn"=true
# Displays server-wide announcement 'ALegendary Has Spawned in <name> Biome' when legendary spawns
B:"Display global message on legendaryspawn"=true
# Sets whether Generation 1 Pixelmon willbe spawned or not (Pokedex 1-151)
# Sets whether Generation 2 Pixelmon willbe spawned or not (Pokedex 152-251)
# Sets whether Generation 3 Pixelmon willbe spawned or not (Pokedex 252-386)
# Sets whether Generation 4 Pixelmon willbe spawned or not (Pokedex 387-493)
# Sets whether Generation 5 Pixelmon willbe spawned or not (Pokedex 494-649)
# Sets whether Generation 6 Pixelmon willbe spawned or not (Pokedex 650-719)
# Sets odds of Legendary Spawning (1 in Xspawns), higher values spawn wild legendaries less often
I:"Legendary Spawn Rate"=15000
# Sets max number of flying pokemon inworld at a time (higher numbers = more spawns) (KEEP THIS LOW)
I:"Max number of Air Pokemon (at onetime)"=2
# Sets max number of land pokemon in worldat a time (higher numbers = more spawns)
I:"Max number of Land Pokemon (at onetime)"=40
# Sets max number of underground pokemon inworld at a time (higher numbers = more spawns)
I:"Max number of Underground Pokemon(at one time)"=20
# Sets max number of water pokemon in worldat a time (higher numbers = more spawns)
I:"Max number of Water Pokemon (at onetime)"=20
# starter_settings
starter_settings {
I:"Level (min=5, max=100"=5
# starters
starters {
S:"1 - First Choice"=Bulbasaur
S:"2 - Second Choice"=Squirtle
S:"3 - Third Choice"=Charmander
S:"4 - Fourth Choice"=Chikorita
S:"5 - Fifth Choice"=Totodile
S:"6 - Sixth Choice"=Cyndaquil
S:"7 - Seventh Choice"=Treecko
S:"8 - Eighth Choice"=Mudkip
S:"9 - Ninth Choice"=Torchic
S:"_10 - Tenth Choice"=Turtwig
S:"_11 - Eleventh Choice"=Piplup
S:"_12 - Twelfth Choice"=Chimchar
S:"_13 - Thirteenth Choice"=Snivy
S:"_14 - FourteenthChoice"=Oshawott
S:"_15 - Fifteenth Choice"=Tepig
(starters {
S:"1 - First Choice"=Magikarp
S:"2 - SecondChoice"=---
S:"3 - ThirdChoice"=---
S:"4 - FourthChoice"=---
S:"5 - FifthChoice"=---
S:"6 - SixthChoice"=---
S:"7 - SeventhChoice"=---
S:"8 - EighthChoice"=---
S:"9 - NinthChoice"=---
S:"_10 - TenthChoice"=---
S:"_11 - EleventhChoice"=---
S:"_12 - TwelfthChoice"=---
S:"_13 - ThirteenthChoice"=---
S:"_14 - FourteenthChoice"=---
S:"_15 - FifteenthChoice"=---