Badges that do not affect gameplay,but drive emotional reactions during in-game situations:
Friendly/Reserved – Outgoing and typically well-liked player/A quiet player thatgenerally keeps to himself.
How to get it-Theseare earned through your responses in scenes. The more positive/excited answerswill lead to the Friendly badge, while the more careful, un-supportive answerswill lead to Reserved.
Legendary Work Ethic/High Work Ethic -Works harder than the typical NBA player.
How to get it-This is earned by agreeing to shoot around extra before the game with eitheryour teammate or the assistant coach in the scene where they ask you to do so.
All-Time Great -Strives to be known as an all-time great.
How to get it- Inyour last 15 played games (you must play at least 15), divide your field goalattempts by your assists. If the ratio of FGA to Assists is higher thanthis, you’ll earn All-Time Great. It is possible to lose this badge infavor of Low Ego.
PG: 4 to 1 FGA to Assist ratio
SG: 4.5 to 1 FGA to Assist ratio
SF: 5 to 1 FGA to Assist ratio
PF: 8 to 1 FGA to Assist ratio
C: 8 to 1 FGA to Assist ratio
Low Ego -Values team success more than anything.
How to get it- Inyour last 15 played games (you must play at least 15), divide your field goalattempts by your assists. If the ratio of FGA to Assists is lowerthan this,you’ll earn Low Ego. It is possible to lose this badge in favorof All-Time Great.
PG: 2 to 1 FGA to Assist ratio
SG: 2.5 to 1 FGA to Assist ratio
SF: 3 to 1 FGA to Assist ratio
PF: 6 to 1 FGA to Assist ratio
C: 6 to 1 FGA to Assist ratio
Keep it Real/Pat My Back – Responds best to tough love/ Responds best when coddled.
How to get it- Thisis earned based on your performance in the next 5 games after being given amotivational-type speech in a scene by either his teammate or theassistant coach. Improved stats lead to the Pat My Back badge, and worse statslead to the Keep It Real badge.
Expressive/Laid Back - Has no problemexpressing his feelings/Generally pretty chill at all times.
How to get it- Theseare earned through your responses in almost all scenes. Answers that are on themellow/humble side of things will lead to the Laid Back badge, whileanswers on the excited/arrogant side of things will lead to the Expressivebadge.
Unpredictable -Can be erratic in his behavior.
How to get it- Thisis earned if you get either the Laid Back or Expressive badge first, and thenyou start shifting your answers in scenes enough towards the other end ofthe spectrum.
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