光明魔法主技能:允许学习对应等级的高级魔法,并且优化光明魔法的效果。 |
振奋之光- Uplifting Light - (新手) |
+X leadership value per light spell cast until end of combat. Capped at +Y.
英雄每使用一个光明魔法,兵种获得X点士气,上限Y点。 |
光明大师I - Master of Light I - (新手) |
Heal targets all targets ( friendly creatures and enemyundead creatures) in an area of 4x4 tiles. Stacks damaged by Sun Beam have a 50% chance to receive "Blinded`. Blinded: The creature can`t act and retaliate until the end of its next turn.
治疗魔法对4X4范围内的所有友军和敌军都起效。阳炎光束有50%几率对目标造成失明效果,使其它在下一回合结束前无法行动和反击。 |
光明学士- Light Scholar - (新手) |
For the hero the costs of Light magic spells are decreased by X%.
使用光明魔法时,魔法值消耗减少X%。 |
光明领悟- Light Wisdom - (专家) |
Cast Light magic spells with +X magic for each wisdom ability.
使用光明魔法时,魔法效果按每个领悟技能增加X点魔力计算。 |
光明大师II - Master of Light II - (专家) |
Celestial Armor and Cleansing Light target all friendly creatures in an area of 3x3 tiles.
天国护甲和净涤之光的施法范围增加到3X3。 |
光明大师III - Master of Light III - (大师) |
Retribution also deals damage to the closest enemy creature if the enchanted creature is hit by a direct damage spell of the enemy hero. Stacks damaged by Sun Burst have a 50% chance to receive `Blinded`. Blinded:The creature can`t act and retaliate until the end of its next turn.
如果带有反惩效果的友军被敌方英雄用伤害魔法攻击,反惩的效果将会施加于最近敌方部队。阳炎爆有50%几率对目标造成失明效果,使其它在下一回合结束前无法行动和反击。 |
光之选民- Chosen of the Light - (宗师) |
Whenever the hero targets a friendly creature with a positive light magic spell, its attack and defense me increased by X, morale and luck by Y and it deals maximum damage until the end of turn.
当英雄对本方部队使用光系正面状态魔法,目标部队的攻击和防御增加X点,士气和幸运增加Y点,并且本回合内获得伤害最大化的状态。 |