The first Titans werecreated by the Shantiris duringthe Ancient Age as immensestatues, built of preciousminerals and metals, of whichthe most important wasstarsilver. Wizards have longbeen trying to recreate these gigantic and complexConstructs: their first tries, Colossi, are not quite aspowerful as the Titans of old, but they are impressivenonetheless.
The few Shantiri Titansthat have survived to thepresent day are almost objectsof worship; they are carefullyprotected and studied by theWizards who use them to createlesser imitations, which are stillexceedingly powerful in battle. Their size and weightallow them to trample their enemies, and their earth-shaking fists can also channel devastating bolts of rawmagic.
Controlled from a distance by a team of puppeteerWizards, a Colossus also frequently hosts a figment of thesoul of his creator, granting it some basic intelligenceand allowing it to absorb hostile magic.
It should be noted that the resources needed tocreate a Titan are rare and expensive; due to this thedecision to go to war with them is not taken lightly. Onthe other hand, enemies sometimes surrender at themere sight of them...