Joining one of theAcademies of Magic is free, butstudents – regardless of age –are requested to take part to afour-year Tour of Duty in theWizard armies. During theirfirst two years, they have therank of Apprentice. 加入魔法学院是免费的,但所有学生——不论年龄大小——都被要求到法师军中参加一个为期四年的执勤兵役。在其中的头两年,他们被授予了学徒这个头衔。 |
During the last two yearsof their Tour of Duty, studentsgain the rank of Disciples. Theymust manage the newApprentices, while being underthe authority of a Masterthemselves. An elder Wizard orBlademage, the Master teaches his Disciples the art ofmagical warfare. 在执勤兵役的后两年里,学生们会获得门徒头衔。他们必须在一位大师的领导下,管理新来的学徒。一位魔法师或是刃法师元老,会来教导门徒们魔法战争的艺术。 |
All students hope their Tour of Duty won’t offeranything more eventful than boring desert walks, magiccarpet rides and blowing stuff up with spells for fun.
One of the big risks when young, excitable Wizardsare brought to the battlefield is the fact they lack focusand have a tendency to hit their own allies with theirspells. A dark joke says it’s the real reason whyConstructs and Beastmen are sent to the frontline...