Enforcer – Wreaks havoc on the floor with physical and tough play.
➝ ???
Mentor – Gets younger players focused in on the game when they commit mistakes
➝ Start your fourth MyCareer season.
Heart and Soul – Rallies team when things are getting out of hand. Helps team stay focused.
➝ ???
Floor General – Makes his team better offensively just by being on the floor.
➝ Have X amount of assists and your player must have high play-making attributes.
Hardened – Plays through fatigue and injury without experiencing full negative consequences.
➝ ???
Defensive Anchor – Makes his team better defensively just by being on the floor.
➝ Accumulate many "Great Team Defense" ratings in a game over the course of consecutively played game, or play great defense over the course of one regular season, or get into a defensive rhythm (indicated by a pulsing, hollow red circle under your player) by contesting shots, tipping passes, stealing and blocking over consecutively played games.
On Court Coach – MyCareer specific. A player with this badge can get the ball, call plays and tell teammates to shoot whenever he wants.
➝ Must have high playmaking attributes (90+) and high scoring and assists numbers. Most players have got this badge after they maxed their playmaking attributes.
Volume Shooter – Heats up with every shot, make or miss. However, lack of shots can make him cold.
➝ Attempt 30+ FGAs in one game. It might not work for one game, so try to do it at least 3 games in a row.
Microwave – Only needs a limited amount of made shots to get hot.
➝ Get and stay 'On Fire' in a game over the course of three consecutively played games.
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