DISSUSED PASSAGE (DOCKS AT NIGHT): Search the corner of the room
THE DOCKS (DAYTIME): Speak with the Shady Dealer for the two recipies
LOWTOWN: Lady Elegant will give you the Elfroot Potion recipe for free
PRIMEVAL RUINS: You can only access this location during the main quest "The Deep Roads Expedition"
RUNAWAY'S CAVERN (WOUNDED COAST APPROACH): You can only access this location during the main quest"Act of Mercy"
SANCTUARY (DARKTOWN): You can only access this area while on the main quest "Enemies Among Us"
SLAVER CAVERNS: You can only access this area during the main quest "Wayward Son"
SUNDERMOUNT AMBUSH SITE: You can only access this are during Aveline's companion quest "The Way It Should Be"