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《辐射3 FALLOUT3》控制台-瞬移代码

2008-12-02 00:10:32 来源:本站原创 作者:佚名 编辑:dsgames568 我要投稿



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Location ID                Location Name
AgathasHouseInterior            Agatha's House
AlexandriaArms01            Alexandria Arms
AnchorageWM                Dummy Cell
AnchorageWM01                Memorial Facility Offices
AnchorageWM02                Anchorage Memorial Facility
AnchorageWM03                Memorial Service Entrance
AnchorageWMMid                Anchorage Memorial Facility Bay
AndaleOldManHarrisHouse            Old Man Harris' House
AndaleTheSmithsBasement            The Smith's House Basement
AndaleTheSmithsHouse            The Smith's House
AndaleTheWilsonsHouse            The Wilson's House
AndaleTheWilsonsShed             Garden Shed
ArefuAbandonedShack            Abandoned Residence
ArefuEwersResidence            Ewer Residence
ArefuKingResidence            Evan King's House
ArefuSchenzyResidence            Schenzy Residence
ArefuWestResidence            West Residence
ArlingtonLibrary01            Arlington Public Library Lobby
ArlingtonLibrary02            Arlington Library Children's Wing
ArlingtonLibrary03            Arlington Library Media Archive
BigTown                    Dummy Cell
BigTownCommonHouse1            Big Town, Clubhouse
BigTownCommonHouse2            Big Town, Common House
BigTownGraveyard            Big Town, Clinic Basement
BigTownRedClinic            Big Town, Red's Clinic
BigTownTownHall                Big Town, Town Hall
Canterbury                Dummy Cell
CanterburyGarage            Dominic and Machete's House
CanterburyUncleRoesHouse        Ernest "Uncle" Roe's House
CapitolBuilding01            Capitol Building West Entrance
CapitolBuilding01b            Capitol Building East Entrance
CapitolBuilding02            Hall of Columns
CapitolBuilding04            Conference Hall
ChryslusBuilding01            Chryslus Building Reception Area
ChryslusBuilding02            Chryslus Building Lower Offices
ChryslusBuilding03            Chryslus Building Basement
Citadel                    Dummy Cell
CitadelARing                Citadel - A Ring
CitadelBRing                Citadel - B Ring
CitadelLab                Citadel - Laboratory
CliffsideCavern01            Raider Outpost
CliffsideCavern02            Yao Guai Cave
CorvegaFactory01            Corvega Factory - Entrance
CorvegaFactory02            Corvega Factory
DclawSanc01                Deathclaw Sanctuary
DukovsPlace01                Dukov's Place
DunwichBuilding01            Dunwich Building
DunwichBuilding02            Forsaken Dunwich Ruins
DunwichBuilding03            Virulent Underchambers
EverGreenMillsBazaar            Evergreen Mills Bazaar
EvergreenMillsFoundry            Evergreen Mills Foundry
EvergreenMillsNorthSideBossHouse    Northern Shack
EvergreenMillsSlaveGuardHouse         Guard House
EvergreenMillsSouthSideBossHouse    Southern Shack
FFEnclave000Encampment            Dummy Cell
FFEVendorChests                FFE vendor chests
FFRadioCache01                Sealed Cistern
FFRadioCache02                Drainage Chamber
FFRadioCache03                Drainage Chamber
FFRadioCache04                Sealed Cistern
FFRadioCache05                Drainage Chamber
FFRadioCache06                Drainage Chamber
FFRadioCache07                Drainage Chamber
FFRadioCache08                Drainage Chamber
FFRadioCache09                Drainage Chamber
FFRaiderCamp03Silo            Grain Silo
FFRaiderCamp05Int            Power Substation
FloodedSewer01                Flooded Metro
Forge                    Dummy
Forge01                    Robot Repair Center
Forge03                    Mechanist's Forge
FortBannister01                Commanding Officer's Quarters
FortBannister02                Fort Bannister Bunker
FortBannister03                Fort Bannister Main
FortC0                    Dummy
FortC01                    Personnel Offices
FortC02                    CO Quarters
FortC03                    Launch Control Bunker
FortC04                    Bomb Storage
FortConstantineExterior            Dummy
FortIndependence01            Fort Independence
FortIndependence02            Fort Independence Lower Level
FranklinMetro01                Franklin Metro Utility
FranklinMetro02                Falls Church/Mason Dst Metro
FriendshipMetro01            County Sewer Mainline
FriendshipMetro02            Tenleytown/Friendship Station
FriendshipMetroUtility            Farragut West Station
GermPoliceHQ                Dummy Cell
GermPoliceHQ01                Police HQ - Ground Floor
GermPoliceHQ02                Police HQ - Basement
GermPoliceHQ03                Police HQ - Top Floor
GirderShadeRonaldHouse            Ronald Laren's Home
GirderShadeSierraHouse            Sierra Petrovita's Home
GNR01                    Galaxy News Radio
GNR02                     GNR Studios
GrayditchAbandoned01            Abandoned Home
GrayditchAbandoned02            Abandoned Home
GrayditchBrandiceHome            Brandice's House
GrayditchDoctorLeskosLab        Recently Built Shack
GrayditchWilksHome            Wilks' House
HamiltonsHideaway01            Hamilton's Hideaway
HazmatDisposal01            Hazmat Disposal Site L5
HubrisComics01                Hubris Comics Publishing
HubrisComics02                Hubris Comics Printing
HubrisComics03                Hubris Comics Utility Tunnels
IrradiatedSewer01            Irradiated Metro
IsolatedCamp04Interior            Abandoned Tent
JuryStStation01                Jury St. Station
JuryStStation02                Jury St. Tunnels
LairAntagonizer                Dummy
LairAntAgonizer02            Canterbury Tunnels
LairAntAgonizer03            AntAgonizer's Lair
LincolnMemorial                Dummy Cell
LincolnMemorial01            Lincoln Memorial
LincolnMuseum                Memorial Maintenance Room
LincolnTent01                Caleb's Tent
LincolnTent02                Simone's Tent
LincolnTent03                Refugee Tent
LL                    Lamplight Caverns
LLArmory                Little Lamplight Armory
LLGrandChamber                The Great Chamber
LLMensRestroom                Lamplight Restrooms
LLMurderPass                 Murder Pass
LLOfficeBuilding            Little Lamplight Office Building
LLSouvenirShop                Souvenir Shop
LLSpelunkerRestaurant            Spelunkers Restaurant
LLWomensRestroom            Womens Restroom
LOBEnterprises01            L.O.B. Enterprises
LOBEnterprises03            L.O.B. Enterprises East Wing
LOBEnterprises04            L.O.B. Enterprises Archives
MamaDolces01                Mama Dolce's Processed Foods
MamaDolces02                Mama Dolce's Food Distribution
MarigoldStation01            Marigold Station
MarigoldStation02            Queen Ant's Hatchery
Megaton                    Dummy Cell
MegatonAbandonedHouseDummyCell        Abandoned House
MegatonBillyCreelsHouse            Billy Creel's House
MegatonChildrenofAtom            Children of Atom
MegatonClinic                Megaton Clinic
MegatonCommonHouse            Common House
MegatonCratersideSupply            Craterside Supply
MegatonJerichosHouse            Jericho's House
MegatonLucasSimmsHouse            Lucas Simms' House
MegatonLucyWestsHouse            Lucy West's House
MegatonMensRestroom            Men's Restroom
MegatonMisterBurkesHouse        Mister Burke's House
MegatonMoriartysSaloon            Moriarty's Saloon
MegatonNathanandManyasHouse        Nathan and Manya's House
MegatonPlayerHouse             Empty House
MegatonTheArmory            The Armory
MegatonTheBrassLantern            The Brass Lantern
MegatonWomensRestroom            Women's Restroom
MerestiMetro01                Meresti Service Tunnel
MerestiMetro02                Meresti Metro Station
MetroCenter01                Metro Central
MetroCenter02                Dupont Circle Station
MetroCenter03                Freedom Street Station
MetroCenter04                Foggy Bottom Station
MetroCenter05                DCTA Tunnel 014-B Potomac
MetroCenter06                Arlington Utility
MetroCenter07                Museum Station
MetroCenter08                Anacostia Crossing Station
Minefield                Minefield Dummy Cell
MinefieldInterior01            Gibson House
MinefieldInterior02            Gillian House
MinefieldInterior03            Benson House
MinefieldInterior04            Zane House
MirelurkHole                Mirelurk Nesting Hole
MS14ArmorVoice                MS14 Armor Voice Cell
MS14MrGutsyVoice            Test Cell for Char Progression
MuseumAmerican0             DummyCell
MuseumAmerican01            Museum of History Lower Halls
MuseumAmerican03            Museum of History Offices
MuseumAmericanEntrance            Museum of History Entrance
MuseumTech01NEW                Museum of Technology Atrium
MuseumTech02NEW                Museum of Technology West Wing
NorthwestSenecaMetro01            Northwest Seneca Station
NtlGuardDepot01                National Guard Depot
NtlGuardDepot04                Depot Training Wing
NtlGuardDepot05                Depot Offices
NtlGuardDepot06                National Guard Armory
NtnlArchives                Dummy Cell for National Archives
NtnlArchives01                The National Archives
NtnlArchives02                Archives Sub-Basement
NtnlArchives03                Archival Secure Wing East
NtnlArchives04                Archival Strongroom
NukaColaPlant01                Factory Floor
NukaColaPlant02                Storage And Mixing Vats
NukaColaPlant03                Offices
OasisCave01                Sunken Chambers
OasisCave02                 Damp Cave
OasisCave03                Oasis Caverns
OldOlney01                Olney Sewers
OurLadyHope01                Our Lady of Hope Hospital
OurLadyHope02                Our Lady of Hope Hospital 2nd Lvl
OurLadyHope04                 Dry Sewer
ParadiseFallsExterior            dummy for GetInCell
PFallsBarracks                Slaver Barracks
PFallsClinic                Cutter's Clinic
PFallsEulogysPad            Eulogy's Pad
PFallsLockAndLoad            Lock And Load
PFallsRestrooms                Toilets
PFallsSlaveHouse             Slave House
PFallsSlaveHouseChild            Child Slave House
PPurity                    Dummy Cell


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