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Change log v1.05
Fixes & Tweaks:
Specular highlight and bump mapping effect that was missing on the Xbox 360 version is now implemented in the Steam version
Implemented new stereo/positional audio for in-game sound effects
Your right hand comes off?
Fixed handgun aim jumping to the right for Modern K&M setting
Improved flares and yellow glow for torches, lamps, etc.
Fixed the spotlight passing through the wall during the jet-ski sequence
Disabled warm color filter after the "church puzzle"
Fixed mouse sensitivity during Del Lago charge
Fixed QTE difficulty for breaking enemies' grip while using mouse
New Feature:
Added vibrations to machine guns in Separate Ways/Another Order, Assignment Ada and Mercenaries.
House Rules
Please keep this thread clean and focused specifically on the aforementioned fixes/additions for the purpose of collecting feedback based on your experience with this beta.
Any off-topic rants or confrontational replies that derail the thread will be removed as it becomes very difficult to collate feedback. Thanks for your understanding.
Once we see enough thumbs up with the fixes and tweaks (and not break anything else along the way!), the patch will be made public without password protection.
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