《帝国:全面战争》Darth Mod Empire 0.75
DarthMod Empire includes:
-Optimized Land battle system (Musket lethal in short range but not in long range, Extra balance for all units per faction, more difficult AI by indirect methods etc.)
-Optimized Naval battle system (Ships turn and handle realistically, each faction has a special battle character, realistic tactical battle AI from indirect methodsetc.)
-Better Campaign AI (More aggressive AI, Better decisioning in land invasions, better Naval AI blockades, better Alliance group wars etc.)
Special New in version 7,5
-I removed the "fire and advance" ability. AI gets lethal without it.
-Increased the ammo.
-Optimized the accuracy and the aiming system of the muskets to feel realistic.
-Made Absolute Monarchy to have better bonus in recruiting troops.
-Many minor adjustments that were requested.
To understand that you have DarthMod installed watch a line infantry to have 110 range.
I suggest Hard/Hard difficulty setting for optimal challenge.
I always play on Ultra settings... why don't you? You like miniature armies or too much money in the campaign?
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