发布日期 | 2014年10月23日 |
/*内容为空 */
资源类型 | 升级补丁 | |
文件大小 | 41.00 MB | |
推介等级 | ★★★ | |
运行系统 | XP/Vista/Win7 | |
游戏语言 | 英文 | |
关 注 度 |
感谢demde提供导入补丁 需要先安装2号升级档
Patch #153 is now out, plus new NVIDIA Drivers and SLI Support
Hey all,
we have just released a new patch for Ryse that can now be downloaded from Steam. Highlights for this release are the ability to turn of the HUD (we can't wait to see your screenshots in the Community Hub) as well as Controller Rumble (this change being directly based on community feedback).
We have also made further improvements to performance and stability, as you can see from our full Release Notes:
SLI/Crossfire optimization & quality improvements
Improved GPU performance on NVIDIA cards, especially for GTX980/970 versions
Fixed potential crash when running the game in resolutions higher than 1080p
Fixed graphical corruption on nVidia when running in resolutions higher than 1080p
Fixed a bug that occurred on low framerate which prevented the door to open in Pax Romana
Fixed a bug that allowed Legendary difficulty to be selected with mouse even though it is not unlocked
Made CVar accessible to disable/enable force feedback on the game controller: i_forcefeedback 0/1
Made CVar accessible to disable/enable flash (e.g. the ingame HUD for taking beauty screenshots): gfx_draw 0/1
Made CVar accessible to adjust image sharpening: r_PostAASharpening 0…2 (values range from 0 to 2, default is 0.2)
Added support for high resolution timer mode to overcome FPS limits on some systems. Activate via “sys_highrestimer = 1” (without quotes) in system.cfg
Also, NVIDIA has just released new Drivers for a wide range of GeForce GPUs (version 344.48), which include a SLI profile for Ryse!
Keep up the good fight to protect Rome!
The Ryse Team
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