发布日期 | 2010年01月27日 |
/*内容为空 */
资源类型 | 升级补丁 | |
文件大小 | 174.00 MB | |
推介等级 | ★★★★ | |
运行系统 | XP/Vista/Win7 | |
游戏语言 | 英文 | |
关 注 度 |
阿凡达(James Camerons Avatar The Game)V1.02官方升级档
Changes in v1.02 * Fixed crash issues when using an audio output frequency
greater than 48kHz. * Fixed a bug where the player could remain stuck in a
cinematic screen after the Banshee cut-scene in the \"Cloud Walk\" quest. *
Fixed some D3D10 errors. * Fixed shutdown issues, happening on some video cards,
that were causing problems when restarting the game.
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