发布日期 | 2008年11月06日 |
/*内容为空 */
资源类型 | 游戏工具 | |
文件大小 | 0 KB | |
推介等级 | ★★★★★ | |
运行系统 | XP/Vista/Win7 | |
游戏语言 | 英文 | |
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《辐射3 FALLOUT3》28项属性修改器
Fallout 3 Trainer
About the options :
Alt+1 - Health : Unlimited Health
Alt+2 - ActionPoints : Unlimited AP
Alt+3 - Ammo : Unlimited Ammo/No Reload
Alt+4 - AddItem(255) : O.K. That is interesting one. Enable it, then drop (1) of something and when you pick it up you will get (255) of that item. Use for replenishing ammo and other items.
Alt+5 - NoItemLoss : Ammo/Items do not decrease.
Alt+6 - BodyTrauma : Clears Body trauma ( can view in pipboy )
Alt+7 - HeadTrauma : Clears Head trauma
Alt+8 - LeftArmTrauma
Alt+9 - RightArmTrauma
Alt+0 - LeftLegTrauma
Alt+- RightLegTrauma
Alt++ NoCriple : All Trauma stop
Alt+F1 - SkillPointsOnLvlUp : When Level Up and distribute skill points, use only then and disable so your points can go to 0 or you can not continue :) and remember you will level up eventualy again sometime.
Alt+F2 - Experience : Set experience points. ( buggy )
Next will add imediately skill points to those skills, some skill enhancing items may clear it sometimes or worst :) It will add the desired value to your curent points, so if you have 17 and add 50 = 67, 100 is maximum
Alt+F3 - BarterSkill : + 50
Alt+F4 - BigGunSkill
Alt+F5 - EnergyWpnSkill
Alt+F6 - ExplosivesSkill
Alt+F7 - LockPickSkill
Alt+F8 - MedicineSkill
Alt+F9 - MeleWpnSkill
Alt+F10 - RepairSkill
Alt+F11 - ScienceSkill
Alt+F12 - SmallGunSkill
Alt+Shift+F12 - SneakSkill
Alt+Shift+F11 - SpeakSkill
Alt+Shift+F10 - UnarmedSkill
Ctrl+F1 - GODMODE : Health / Trauma / AP
Thats it, it's a test trainer so don't expect too much of it ...
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