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彩虹六号之维加斯2: 1.01 升级补丁

//www.eurojoli.com 游民星空
发布日期  2008年04月17日
/*内容为空 */
资源类型  升级补丁
文件大小  50.00 MB
推介等级  ★★★
运行系统  XP/Vista/Win7
游戏语言  英文
关 注 度  

* Added Voice Chat Support (添加语音聊天)
* Pressing F5 now refreshes the match search list (现在可以按F5刷新游戏搜索列表)
* Fix for spawn camping
* Switch weapon is now faster in adversarial (更换武器速度加快)
* Lower respawn timer for deathmatch and team deathmatch
* Added Team balance XP penalty
* Enabled outfitting option in observer mode. (在观看模式下添加配备选项)

* Team Leader respawn modification: Respawning with the leader is now the default option (小组首领重生修改:与首领重生成为默认选项)



* Added Voice Chat Support
* Pressing F5 now refreshes the match search list
* Fix for spawn camping
* Switch weapon is now faster in adversarial
* Lower respawn timer for deathmatch and team deathmatch
* Added Team balance XP penalty
* Enabled outfitting option in observer mode.
* Team Leader respawn modification: Respawning with the leader is now the default option

Bugs fixed:
* Fixed hang time when playing matches on certain graphics hardware
* Fixed delays for clients when using the custom face feature in-game
* Fixed game crash when the user would click in a certain area from the Leaderboards menu
* Fixed textures corruption when changing antialiasing repeatedly on certain graphics hardware
* Reviewed some achievements unlock when playing online
* Fixed game mode selection bug after being kicked from a dedicated server
* Fixed online problem of client being thrown out of a game when host uses Alt+Tab
* Fixed problem related to weapon templates switch when using only a keyboard
* Fixed the map update in the games list when the SADS uses map cycle
* Fixed issue with The Ace Always Wins! reward
* Fixed malfunction with mouse/keyboard uses in menus
* Fixed a client crash releated to host changing server for the Comcast Event map
* Fixed issue with the Face Scan on certain camera hardware
* Added fix to prevent opening console while chatting
* Fixes allowing better support of ATI Crossfire configuration
* Fixed HUD problems when using all of the Rainbow's grenades
* Fixed issue when the host would get stuck in the pause menu by kicking the clients while he is respawning
* Fixed a black screen issue when client would join a game in progress.
* Fixed problems related to weapon restriction configuration in Terrorist Hunt
* Fixed experience boost exploit in the first act in single player
* Fixed issue of the crosshairs that disapear when taking cover and aiming simultaneously.
* Fixed sound issue when Bishop's weapons are lost if the user shoots and kills Dennis Cohen.
* Fixed the wrong behavior of a hand gun after changing it from Outfitting menu.
* Fixed issue where client gets stuck in the respawn screen at 0 seconds while in observer mode
* Fixed respawn issue when playing terrorist hunt game at realistic difficulty
* Fixed issue of the laser beam shifting off target after shooting with a pistol




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